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Spring follows Winter and Summer follows Spring – it always does!

It was March 2020 … The streets were empty, the shops closed, people could not go out. But spring did not know, and the flowers started to bloom, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, the swallows were soon to arrive, the sky was blue, the morning was coming earlier. 

It was in March 2020 … 
Young people had to study online, and find occupations at home, people could no longer do shopping, or go to the hairdresser. Soon there would be no more room in hospitals, and people continued to get sick. 
But spring did not know, the time to go to the garden was coming, the grass was turning green. It was in March 2020 
… People were put in containment. to protect grandparents, families and children. No more meetings or meals, family celebrations. The fear became real and the days were alike.
But spring did not know, apple trees, cherry trees and others bloomed, the leaves grew. 
People started reading, playing with family, learning a language, singing on the balcony inviting neighbors to do the same, learning a new language, showing solidarity and focusing on other values. 
People realized the importance of health, suffering, of this world that had stopped, of the economy that had plummeted.
But spring did not know. the flowers have given way to the fruit, the birds have made their nest, the swallows have arrived. 
Then the day of liberation arrived, people learned about it on TV, the virus had lost, people took to the streets, sang, cried, kissed their neighbors, without masks or gloves. 
And that’s where summer came, because spring didn’t know. He continued to be there despite everything, despite the virus, fear and death. Because spring did not know, he taught people the power of life.
 Everything will be fine, stay at home, protect yourself, and you will enjoy life .
Posted on March 19, 2020

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