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What’s With All The Hype Around Business Coaching These Days?

Business coach, life coach, personal results coach, life stylist, personal mentor… happiness architect? The internet is full of hype surrounding this (seemingly) new breed of professionals. With their fancy buzzwords and websites that scroll for hours, they’re the first to tell you that they have all the answers and tools to help fix your entire life and career. “Goodbye time management problems, farewell financial struggles!” …Right?

Not quite.

Now, if you’re still reading, you’ll hopefully understand where this post is going. But if you’re still confused, let’s clear a few things up.

First: No, not every coach is the same. Simply giving yourself a title does not a coach make. Yes, you can wake up one day and decide to become a coach, but your life and career experience combined with your training and qualifications are the deciding factors as to whether you’ll be any good at it!

Next: Yes, many have the skills to help you, but that does not mean they are Fairy Godmothers. By taking on a coach, you are committing to learn from them, take their advice and implement it into your life and career. Every. Single. Day. You will not see any improvement if you just show up for a quick pep talk and then fall straight back into your old habits the second you walk out the door. Your success is up to you.

Alright with the reality check out of the way, let’s talk about how legitimate business coaches can help you, how you can identify a good one, and why you should considering finding one for yourself.

What qualifications do business coaches need?

While business coaches don’t require a specific degree to be considered “qualified”, it’s their real life experience that you should be looking out for. Business coaches should have a proven track record of working in professional and even executive roles as well as small business and a genuine desire to help others overcome what they may perceive as hurdles and to focus on achieving their goals.

What are the main things that business coaches do?

  • Business coaches work with you to determine where you are now in your business and where you want to go, so you can clearly identify your business goals in order to develop a plan of action. They will then help to monitor and change the plan as necessary, based on your strengths, weaknesses, achievements and potentially shifting goals.
  • Business coaches are fantastic motivators, encouraging you to maximise your potential through building your confidence and sense of self-worth as well as achieving better balance between your work and home life.
  • Business coaches look at the two way relationship between those running the business and those employed within the business and how they must work together to achieve the bigger picture goals for the business.
  • Business coaches help with balancing changes in business initiatives to enable both owners and staff to accept and adapt to the changes, while ensuring everyone feels valued and connected to these changes.

Whether you already own a business or are thinking about starting one, it’s so beneficial to find someone outside of the business who can objectively guide, support and motivate you throughout the process. Of course you could just “wing it” and you may succeed! But this is about more than success. It’s about achieving your full potential and ensuring that it’s something you can maintain for the long-run, while still keeping a happy balance between your work and personal life. 
Want to know more? We offer complimentary, obligation-free consultations so you can figure out if business coaching is for you. Email info@thestartupstable.com.au to book your appointment. You won’t regret it!

Posted on September 25, 2016

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