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So, what makes a successful person?

A Successful Person in my books is a human who takes a lemon and turn it into lemonade 

Life will throw curve balls  – it is how we handle those scenarios that will determine our success – you can’t control your environment – but you can control how you react to it.

Are you a victim or someone that takes action?

Do you recognise the opportunity when a problem presents itself – or do you catastrophise it?

Let me tell you ….. shit will happen !! 

Prepare for it

Have your mind right

Have a mindset of abundance 

Here are a few traits that make a Successful person 

Successful people Communicate with precision. They find and use the correct combination of diction and tone to express an idea as clearly as possible, to achieve the outcome that they want.

Successful people Know that failure and success is an ongoing process, and the former almost always has to precede the latter.

Successful people plan their day, week , month, year and project – 

Successful people systemise and automate routine tasks  (4Ds quadrant – Do it , dump it , delegate it or defer it)

Successful people don’t lose their compassion – they maintain their humanity – they stay humble and care about those around them 

Successful people don’t lose their passion! It is key to making them feel successful 

Successful people Understand why people behave why they do

Successful people see their competition as partners as opposed to threats – the market is big enough for all – they focus on the customer – not the competition

Successful people take responsibility – it doesn’t matter who is wrong or whose fault it is. Identify the problem, peel back the onion to find the core – and look to solve it!

Successful people focus on how they are going to add value to their customer 

Successful people know what they are good at and not do good at and has a team of advocates , partners, collaborators or employees that they motivate to work with them and share their dream 

Posted on March 18, 2018

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