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7 Gems you can use with a modest Marketing Budget

Marketing is clearly a key part of the puzzle in helping  our business get the X factor.
Last week, 30 of us had an amazing session during our “BBG Thinktank” led by Richard Dubb, on what we could do to market our businesses. 

Richard pointing out a few of the 660 strategies that we identified to help you get the X Factor 

(For more details about Richard and the core team making up the BBG forum – go to http://ift.tt/2d9FdJa )
If you can understand and use digital marketing, and leverage the power of relationships, referrals and networks, you can use unbelievably powerful tools which are low cost or even free.
A key success factor that was highlighted by Richard was that whatever you do, you need to be CONSISTENT
This was the secret of how Plascon Paints displaced Dulux and Toubmans to be the number 1 brand in South Africa when Richard was CEO of Toubmans! 
Sarah from Think Big  , gave us some unbelievable gems – one of the was that you need to measure whatever you do and execute properly and professionally. “Know your Numbers
Below were my takeouts  – feel free to add to the list!

1. Be Consistent and if you don’t have resources – leverage through “outsourcing”
The problem is that for marketing to be successful it needs to be consistent – and most  businesses attempt haven’t got the time to do their marketing in-house with existing personnel.
Divying marketing responsibilities – like social media management, blog post writing and campaign management — will probably wind up being unsuccessful unless you are doing it consistently.
If you have the financial ability, the best thing you can do is have someone to do your marketing full time, prepare a detailed marketing plan, allocate tasks to every employee and hold each member accountable for their marketing activities.
If you can’t afford a full time marketing human – find “an outsourced CMO” – (I can recommend Raz Chorev– if you are interested message me and I will refer you directly!) 
This person should not only manage your digital marketing efforts, but also do your traditional marketing tasks, such as holding people accountable for attending events, BBG forums (can’t resist the plug ;)) networking events and promoting your company on the streets. 
Yes, this is an hourly or salaried position that you will need to account for, but in my view will give you an exponential return and contribute to giving your business the “X factor” 
2. Utilize Google AdWords.
Sarah – our digital agency member emphasised that Google AdWords is by far one of the best ways to spend marketing dollars, and together with organic search results through good SEO is ideal, you can have a powerful resource to build your lead base.
By using PPC (pay per click) such as Adwords and improving your position in Google –  you are likely to get more results as well as interesting insights into your audience. 
A word of caution says Sarah – You can’t put AdWords on autopilot. AdWords should be monitored at least weekly and ideally daily –  adjust your bids daily and ensure the backend is running like clockwork. Consistent 
Google AdWords can be costly – depending on the PPC bids you set and local industry competition – but if you know your numbers and understand your conversion rate from leads into sales – your spend can be unlimited as long as you generate leads that you get will generate into sales! (BFO – know your numbers). 
(Message me your email and phone number and I will refer you to Sarah Kammigan at Think Big Online  – she is seriously a guru! )  
3.  Promote posts on social media.
I have found that sponsored content on Facebook or LinkedIn can be a great lead generator …. (I think Twitter also does this – but I haven’t nailed it! )
Here’s how it works – you  pay to promote your content on social media channels so that even more people see your content. This is an inexpensive way to promote events, blog posts, new website content or other things that are likely to draw traffic to your website and get visitors to convert into leads and ultimately sales! 
You can boost posts for select audiences, and you really only have to spend between $5 and $10 per post to get more of a reach than you would have without the boost. (Be selective if posts you promote)
4. Blogging
Blogging – and content marketing  is one of the most important features of marketing that often slips through the cracks – especially when you don’t have one person responsible for your marketing efforts.
(This was a BFO for Mila)
Post an 800-word – or longer post between one to two times per week on a relevant topic your audience will enjoy reading.
This is one of the things that contributes to good organic search results – fresh content, link building, keywords, etc. — so it is extremely important and valuable to your digital marketing strategy.
We have 4 blogs and Spark Magazine and we have recently linked them to our website – check out www.bsi.com.au.
Reach out to other blogs in your industry and collaborate on a post or piece of content. 
This will generate links to content on your website and will also generate more mentions because it is also promoted by someone else – reaching their social media audiences.
If you don’t blog – be sure to comment on blogs – it’s easy and there is that law ofreciprocation!! 
5.  Follow up customers, suppliers and alliance partners 
Providing a WOW customer service, and developing strong relationships with your customers , suppliers and alliance partners – is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to drive new business.
When is the last time you followed up with a client or supplier that you worked with recently? 
Is there any promotion you can offer your clients that can get them to purchase more often? 
Have you thought about how else can you help them? 
Can you refer them to anyone else that you know like and trust? 
The most likely person to buy your product is someone you know – and who knows likes and trusts you – and has done business with you before …. Oh and don’t be shy to ASK for a referral – people like to help others! Give them the opportunity to be generous! 
Be sure to use tools to make it easy for you to refer, track measure and reward referrals – go to www.referron.com to download it for free . 
Here’s another BFO (blinding flash of the obvious) – be sure to give a referral to a person you know like and trust – from your contact list – there is a universal law called “the law of reciprocation” – what you give – you will receive 10X!!!

Test this out – 
1. think of someone you think is amazing that you know like and trust 
2. Think of someone in your phone book that could use his or her service
3. Use Referron to make that referral (literally 3 taps)
4. See the results
5. Let me know!!!
6.  Sending emails with an effective email marketing system
Email marketing is really an effective and cheap way to communicate with your contact lists.
Email marketing software typically ranges between $50 and $300 per month – and will give you exponential returns.
Contact me, and I will be more than happy to set you up on our BBG Email Marketing  Platform.
I have found that this has been our most cost-effective ways to get our information out to a highly targeted subscribed list.
Here’s an idea – why not leverage your content by asking someone to email your content to their content list!!!!
(They will only do this if they know like and trust you) 
7. Be part of BBG that will help you get your name out there
Here is a cool BFO that came from the group! There were 30 of us meeting last week with the objective of getting to know , like and trust one another. 
Naomi has just written a Linkedin and blog post  on 10X Coaching – and she was looking for Coaches around Australia .
Imagine if the 29 people would read the blog, comment on it, and share it with their networks!!!! What is going to happen to Naomi’s SEO and reach?
Do you think she is going to get more leads? (I will let you know)
Join a BBG chapter that focusses on your targeted audience to obtain maximum leverage on your resources – by meeting for 3 hours a month (from 7-10) with a group of business owners and leaders – coming to the meeting ” with a spirit of generosity” all with the mandate to help each other – you have the potential to have 29 advocates, who know like and trust you – giving you warm leads. 
To find out more how to join a BBG forum – go to http://ift.tt/2d9EMOY or http://ift.tt/2cLXceJO
Posted on September 24, 2016

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